Sunday, December 10, 2006

Everyone loves Vince. This is an undeniable fact. We take you back in time, ermmm...2001? How it is that this bunch of ppl, particularly the ex-SMDU/DJ community, you know la, ppl like our famous Jiaoman, Y5o, K-Mon and the OH-SO-FAMOUS-ANUS NIGEL got to know this fella? The fact is, it all started with Nigel....Me, Vince and Ny were from the same college, the college for bo-headz. Studying what? Sound engineering!!! (wtf...) Of all the darn things in the world, we have ppl studting I.T, business, graphic arts, you know la, all those normal subjects were normal ppl like to do (finance? ugh...) but we have to study sound engineering. This is the story of how Vince has becometh of what he is today...

Vince, at first sight, i didnt thought much of this guy cuz all the attention was centered on a certain little punk with gelled up red hair, earings, drives a black EG. Who else but Nigel Khoo Kah-Ee. Nevertheless, everyone (well, at least i did) thought this Nigel looks alot like one of those characther from the Hongkie movie, Young and Dangerous. I sorta detested this little punk. I told myself "stay away from this fella, he looks danger mouse"...but that perspective quickly dissolved into nothingness when i bumped into him at the famous Backroom (hmmm...those times, crazy times, still think about it at times....) and by his sidekick, our very own Jiaoman with large earholes and equally "dangerous" looking attitude. Wise guys said it too much, "dont judge a book by its cover"..true, with the help of a couple of "pink ladies" we became instant friends. You know how it is right? Anyway, years later, me & Ny spoke about this, we admitted, we hated each others' guts before the "Backroom Agenda". Anyway...back at college, we became instant mates. How did Vince got into the picture? Cant recall, too much THC induced memory loss quoting Vince, but me and Ny developed a daily routine. We would come to class stoned, attending lectures religiously while hitting a joint during breaks to keep it going. One time we were even caught by one of the lecturers while i was passing an unlit joint to Ny at the stairs. An instant query ensued "is that a joint?"...what else could we say? Rule 101..deny...from that day onwards, the guy who caught us knew we were on BO. Did we receive any discrimination or got reported to the boss? No..infact, we got quite close to the guy. I recalled in on of his lectures, he was talking about the dangers of drugs in the music, on how one drug leads to another, from BO, you gradually graduate to other substance. Indirectly he was kinda advising us dont go overboard la...ok ok, back to the other side of the story...

Vince didnt liked BO. Me and Ny, constantly gone. Our profanity with munchies were so vulgar, we would eat and eat and eat until we cant eat no more. You know how it is when you hang out with the holder of the "KEY TO INSANITY". We would never fail to invite Vince to smoke up and with each invite, it will be met with a negative reply. "no lah, dowan la, i kena before, i dont like it, makes you slow la, look at you drug addicts...etc etc....bla bla bla bla...until one day...he relented. It didnt take him too long tho, but something happened to Vince (i shall not share it here) caused him to accept our invitation. I was living very nearby to the college, often times, we would go back to my place to have a couple of hits to recharge before goin back to college for assignments and what-not. That is when Vince got "devirginalized" by the "BATU API" and "KEY TO INSANITY"... from that day onwards, there was no stopping for Vince. Anyway, we smoked up, got all stoned, went back to college, i was having a studio session in the 8 track room, as usual la, you're gone, and you "try" to get some work done. There i was, infront of the console, with my guitar, "trying" to record something, and i was playing this one riff (i can still remember how it goes) and Vince just cant stop laughing his ass off. The more i play that riff, the HARDER his laughter...shit, i was laughing my head off too, not that i find my riff funny, but cuz it was fun making him laugh so hard that his tears were coming out. He continued laughing on other trivial stuff until i finally got somewhere attempting to record something...then...there was silence...he passed out on the floor in the studio. Next thing i knew, the BOSS was standing next to me, abruptly entered the studio and he casually asked "what happened to Melvin?" after seeing his pasaut on the floor. " Ohh, nothing la, he had an overnight session la. He is very tired and he was helping me...bla bla..."you know la, common excuse.

I was accused of bringing this calamity to Vince. From that day onwards, Vince would come to my house, we would roll a joint and smoke up while walking to skool. It has been a daily ritual. Ny will always be FOREVER LATE to class. You know him ler, master of procrastination...haha...but there were times when Ny would be early (after the skool made a policy, latecomers will be barred from entering lectures) and upon us making and entry to the classroom, we could fuckin clearly see those bloodshot eyes while he rests his head against the wall. Same case here, Ny knew we already "loaded" our guns with a smirk on our faces, that " u KENA already huh" kinda look...three of us sitting right up in front of the classroom stoned outta our heads while waiting for the lunch to go eat our favourite PORK all due respect, we did our assignments well, faithfully taking notes. For me, it was really fun as i have this memory buffer in my head whenever im gone, so whatever spoken in class, i have the ability to replicate that in writing, albeit 3 seconds delay...but most of the time looking back at my notes, i have no idea wtf i wrote. Ny would go on and on writing nonsense and he got caught drawing something reflecting a these words, " I WOULD LIKE SOME MILK FROM THE MILKMAN'S WIFE'S TITS".

For those do not know Vince, he is a steady fella. Damn steady...tarak hal punya. Always looking for the phresh stuff. Once we got RM70 of the good ol' phresh mangga we graduated from J's to the B...homemade bong with a plastic bottle, pen and cigarette box aluminium paper molded into a cone. Vince would never fail to make the best cone all the time. He is good with his hands...the toolman. For more information on this creature, you can check out his blog here. Me? I just like to BO BO BO BO BO and pasaut. But none can challenge the master...Mr Vince aka Mengapa Harus Cinta...why the name Vince? Ask Jiaoman la, its his doing. Cuz there's always twosidestoastory to everything. You fellas have a great day, in the name of BO...we shall thrive and survive this daily rat race into oblivion. Fuck you no time...adios...


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