Sunday, September 10, 2006

James OH Stars in Initial D...w00t

this is really priceless....

i have never noticed how "cool" our friend here looks, with the ciggy and his gaya-fied poses...maybe he didnt act it out, maybe its him at his best? anyway, there shud always be a prawn behind the stone, as he still looks like a molester...child molester that is, beware kids...dont take candy from this stranger. Dont hitch a ride with him...Yall heard of the recent incident this standard 6 female student ran away with a 31 year old man? Fuck man...that's some sick shit...i hope no one falls prey to such incident no more...

Jeegid, go get yourself some action my man...lest you turn gay... and its not a crime to be born with small eyes my friend, lest u suffer from inferiority complex...

But i like the way Jeegid defends himself...

Jeegidek: 10 cent face?wat 10 cent face?the wind was constantly blowing into my eyes i can't keep it open

YC: not laughing at the eyes but at the resemblance of the muka sepuluh sen...char tou

Jeegidek: wat so funny -_-' born with small eyes not a sin or a crime

eujin foong: INITIAL D WOAH! our dear a star in initial from Phuket...artwork courtesy of !nterface Advertising..

On another note...

Had a conversation the other day with a certain fren, in regards to our mutual friend...the udang...the prawn behind the stone, the Jiaoman...what wuzzat about? JJ being gay after having a girlfriend...oh shit, if that was to i wonder the gf would be feeling sial...i mean...JJ was kinda single for a long time u we'd hassle him " JJ, go get urself a girl la...find a nice girl and be steady to avoid yourself from being gay. You know, your mom always see so many guys goin in and outta your room ( that was during the bo period la, when JJ kept a piece in his room, we'd go there, smoke up and all the leftover food, best was the nuggets, JJ would put in 10 pieces into the the little toaster and we'd have munchies all nite long while we bo and do all sorts of silly shit, but nothing gay i assure you...pasaut til morning and then bo sumore and go eat breakfast/lunch/brunch...those were the days huh JJ?

Then he got himself a girl...but the fact is, what if he turned gay after getting a girlfren? Darn, that would really be sumthing huh? Had you had any gay friends before? JJ is quite feminine in some ways. Caught him cutting and POLISHING his nails one day...thats so female man...not nail polish la, u know, he'd cut his nails and then really spend time grinding the ends to a perfect immaculate shape...what do you call it?

Anyway...all im saying is,...jeegidek, get yourself a female companion, like niz loves to put it, get a FUCK BUDDY...and stop torturing your brother...everyday making love to your also sien liao laaa...haha...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Terror strikes!

Dear All,

Please pass this on to your friends as a notification that Osama is currently within Malaysia and has done a surgery to ensure that he fits in with the locals. Please call the authorities should you spot him. Your help is greatly needed to save the world.

James Oh